ACCURATE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY, Greater Noida observed its 4thConvocation Ceremony on December 8, 2018.
Prof. R.S.Nirjar, Ex Vice Chancellor, Gautam Buddha University, & Ex-Chairman AICTE New Delhi was the Chief guest for the Coveted Function Prof Nirjar has a vast expanse of experience and contribution to the Education Industry be it the IIT’s or the IIM’s or designing of various Education related policies. Mr Sanjay Khaturia Channel Leader Cloud & cognitive, IBM-India/SA graced the function with his presence as the Guest of Honor. The Group Director Ms Poonam Sharma, Director General Prof. Saroj kumar Datta, Director Sandeep Sharma were all present For the event.
180 Management Students who have undergone the AICTE run PGDM Program were conferred upon with their diploma. The Students have dual specialization in the program with choices between Marketing, Finance, Human Resource and International Business.
The air felt pristine to all the students who had a mixed bag of Happy and less Happy memories around the campus. Tears rolled down the cheeks of few girls who had come in with a dream package in mind and were finally walking their dreams with flying Colors.
This is my Alma mater, My identity said Swati flouting her cap in the air- who has the highest CGPA and infact one of the best placements too.
Sharing of visiting cards and profiles, excitement of being in the best MNC’s is a dream come true for most of them. The cherry on the faces was symbolic of the satisfaction they had derived out of the rigorous hard work put in .Burning of Midnight oil, late evening meetings, post dinner sessions in the canteen will be missed.
Students said, they could feel the same energy and positivity in the environment that they felt on Day 1 when they entered the campus. Lot of selfie sessions, group click, pictures with faculty and friends took place at favorite campus Addas!
The students were thankful that the college has given them the best values, knowledge and skill set which will stay with them forever.
Group Director Ms Poonam, said that today Adaptability and Preparedness are the key Managerial skills inculcated in the students. They are put to tests several times so that they do not get bogged down in the VUCA environment. Effective decision making skills which are a fine balance between management culture and organization strategy are well engrained in our students and they will always prove their mettle in the corporate world!
The campus presently accommodates almost 3000 students and 100 faculty members across various programs and disciplines.