A trip to kurukshetra was organized on 24th September 2018 for 5th year students of Accurate Institute...
Accurate Institute of Architecture & Planning educational trip Chennai and Pondichery. Architecture is a subject that is...
Accurate Institute of Architecture & Planning Educational Trip To UDAIPUR And JAISALMER. Learning in the field of...
Accurate Institute of Architecture & Planning participated in a competition at Gateway college. The images of the...
The true education of scholars goes way beyond paper and ink. The Accurate Institute of Architecture &...
A jury comprising of Prof. Deval Kumar Rajvanshi, Director, AIAP, and Mrs. Misbah Jaffri, Asst Prof, AIAP...
Playing is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind can unfold. Rubbing shoulders and sweating out...
हर वर्ष की भाति दिंनॉक 15-16 फरबरी 2017 का एक्यूरेट इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ आर्किटेक्चर एंड प्लानिंग में दो...