1. IT Collage Competition is a competition where students prepare a model/collage based on Information Technology in a team. A PowerPoint presentation need to be conducted along with the key points of model/collage that is prepared by the students to cover all the important aspects of the designed model/collage.
  2. I had participated in this IT Collage Competition which was held on 24/12/2016. My topic was ‘Role of Information Technology in education sector’ with a team of 3 and acquired 1st position in PGDM batch 2016-2018. We chose this topic because of the current IT development and practices in education system. As our own college is very much into these activities, smart classes are the new faces of the Indian education system and Accurate also does the same. It helps to widen the knowledge. It also contributes to increase the wisdom of the students. Information Technology gives wings to fly and explore more apart from bookish stuff and provides more practical environment to them. Even our honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is supporting digitalization in India. According to his belief: IT+IT=IT, i.e. Indian Talent + Information Technology = India Tomorrow.
  3. So let’s support Information Technology, let’s make India more advanced!!


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