PGDM from Accurate Institute of management is a reputed course and we have witnessed tremendous success in corporate world by Accuratian’s. Due to a consistent placement record & world Class learning in PGDM course this course has become a talent magnet and hundreds of Talented individuals want to pursue their post graduate management Education from Accurate Institute of Management and technology, Accurate Institute take admission based on CAT/MAT Valid scores, followed by GD & Personal Interview. If you want to join a reputed college then I am sure that you must be preparing for CAT/MAT let me give you a clear Guide to improve a aspirant’s chance in GD & Personal Interview process of AIMT.
Group Discussions
A group discussion refers to a group of people to discuss on a given topic, that allows its participants to share their views and opinions with other participants. Group Discussions or GDs are a test for candidate’s ability to perform in tense environment along with group of people who are in competition to each other. It is intended to pressurise you to make mistake like interrupting others, raising your voice, showing your disagreement by shouting, trying to show his/her dominance etc. a prepared candidate must know this so that he/she can avoid these mistakes. Better if they Practice below activities regularly,
- Make an opening statement, opening statement should be very unbiased and inclusive so that others can also find ways to pitch in. this will help you make a director of discussion, and you may simply earn brownie points if you cover the topic with sincerity. IF you miss the chance to start the discussion then also no worries, enter the discussion at right point where you have strong points to make and/ or you have unique approach to the topic, this way you will have strong impression on judges’ mind.
- Read Business Magazines & Newspapers Often so that you have enough knowledge on current affairs and business activities.
- It is Not necessary to arrive at consensus during a Group Discussion but try to conclude the discussion within time provided.
- A participant should focus to display leadership skills, Politeness, and Quality of content. Your arguments should be based on facts, situations, and knowledge.
- Do not Treat GD as an argument, to prove yourself right you are not required to prove others wrong.
Now let’s move towards the next important step securing your management education seat.
Personal Interview:
Personal Interview: sincerity and honesty will pay you best in this round, Panel knows your academic performance so It’s fine if you don’t know the answer and accept it politely, don’t attempt to guess the answer. Being courteous is another important point which helps create a good impression. Below are the Classic Interview questions, practice answering these & your flow and confidence will be high in real situation
Some interview questions and way to approach them.
- Tell me about yourself- Be professional and showcase that you are capable to pursue management course.
- How would you describe yourself? This question can be tricky one you are appearing for a professional course and advisable is to answer this by highlighting your capabilities as an aspirant. This is an extension to the first question.
- What motivates you? – This question is targeted towards your personality, and you can be honest about it. Things that really keep you going and do something can be mentioned in this answer.
- Where do you see in next 5 years? – this question gives you an opportunity to describe your career goals. Use it Wisely Do not give impractical statements like I will be CEO of World’s top Organisation in next five years.
- Why do you want to Join this Institute? to answer this question do some research about institute and note some best point of institute as why you really want to take admission.
- What interests you in Management education? Every candidate is different and there is no standard answer for this question, but you should genuinely know what your motivation for the management course is, for some it may be career prospects, for some challenging work environment, think through your answer and be precise.
- What are you passionate about? Everyone has passions if you have not discovered yet then you may choose to describe things which you most enjoy.
- What are your greatest strengths? – Highlight your strength but be polite and do not over commit.
- What are your greatest weaknesses? – Mention your points where you want to improve yourself but do not feel low confidant while answering this. It’s OK to know your weaknesses you can only improve something when you know that it requires improvements.
- Do you want to know something from Us? Generally, in last moments of interview, any panel member may give you this opportunity & you should take this as an opportunity to show how deeply you want to understand and interested in the management course. So, you may ask any question which showcases that you are a serious candidate and really want to utilise the learning capabilities institute may provide. Just for example: an aspirant seeking admission in PGDM International Business) may ask- What are the key professional skills which I may expect to develop after completion of this course? Or any other question which you may really want to ask about course or Institute.
With sincere efforts everything is possible, you can also get your seat
in Reputed PGDM program of Accurate Group of Institute.
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All the absolute best
Nice Blog Keep it up
it is very good article…