1Technological Knowledge: Graduates will acquire adequate scientific and basic knowledge regarding fundamental concepts of the technology which include Robotics, Neural Network, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Science, Internet of Things, Cyber Security, Virtual Reality, Computer Networks etc. as per the need of industry and profession. Students will learn about edge computing, quantum computing behavioral, social, administrative technical sciences and manufacturing practices and would be able to handle technology safely and ensure its rational use.
2Planning Abilities: Graduates will demonstrate effective planning abilities to implement and organize work including time management, human resource management &; development, delegation skills, and organizational skills.
3Problem analysis: Graduates will have the ability to analyse and have problem-solving skills. All problems are approached in different ways helping them to overcome difficulties. They will have to think of a solution to a problem by using their head.
Modern tool usage: Graduates will be able to work on modern systems latest tools and software’s so that they can create new technology and develop new solutions.
4Leadership skills: Graduates will have good managerial skills and entrepreneurship abilities. They shall assume participatory roles as responsible citizens and leadership skills to facilitate improvement in health and well-being.
5Professional Identity: Graduates will have the ability to understand, analyze and communicate the value of their professional roles in society. Their central focus must be application of scientific knowledge to meet societal needs. The commitment from the engineering profession is public safety and interest ahead of all other considerations.
6Engineering Ethics: Graduates will be aware of various regulatory, ethical, and legal aspects of the technical profession. They should be able to understand and implement personal values and ethical values in the professional and social contexts.
7Communication: Graduates will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in an oral, written, and graphical manner. They should be able to comprehend and write effective reports, make effective presentations and documentation, and give and receive clear instructions.
8Science, Technology and Society: Graduates should have the ability to apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal and cultural effect, social and environmental risk against benefit of technological and scientific advancement.
9Life-long learning: Graduates should be able to recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Self-access and use feedback effectively from others to identify learning needs and to satisfy these needs on an ongoing basis.