Cyber Attack

BEWARE… Ransomware Wannacrypt what you need to know… As recently our whatsapp groups are flooded with the warnings of some random cyber attack which may hack all your data if…

Politics “The Dark Side”

POLITICS – PEOPLE’S PERCEPTION “Politics” for some people are the field of earning, for some the area to do something for the people’s welfare, for some area to deliver the…


Women’s day is not Just a Day, It’s a battle. Taliban had banned girls from attending schools in swat valley in Pakistan and a sixteen year old girl from the…


HASTA-LA-VISTA is an spanish word which means goodbye or see you later. Saying goodbye to our dear one’s is the most difficult task. Goodbye’s makes us realize what we have.…

Mid Day Meal

Recently mid day meal was again in news and for no good reasons. Government schools are providing free meal to students is a appreciated step but we keep on hearing…

Education System

India a young nation , expanding its roots over the world in many fields after 65 years of Independence. But is this all what have expected for…?? We can say…